Laser Hair Removal
Hair free and care free, our Laser Hair Removal treatment reduces hair permanently, leaving you feeling silky smooth and confident to bare your beautiful skin.
How does it work?​
The Candela Medical GentleMax Pro LASER emits two wavelengths of light that target a specific pigment in the skin, destroying the hair follicles that are in an active growth stage. Due to its duel wavelength, this treatment works on all skin types (Fitzpatrick I - VI).
How many treatments do you need?
Approx. 20% of hair being treated are in the active growth stage at one time and for this reason, regular treatments are required to achieve a satisfactory reduction (usually 6-8). Hairs can be in the resting stage for 2-7 years, thus after the recommended course of treatments are completed, maintenance treatments will be required over that time frame (usually once a year).

Will it hurt?
GentleMax Pro hair removal treatments use a Zimmer Cooler, applying cold air to the area, which makes the treatments as comfortable as they are effective.
We also have the option of using the patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCDTM), which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling burst of cryogen just milliseconds before the LASER pulse.
The Zimmer Cooler or the DCD helps ensure that GentleMax Pro hair removal treatments are pain free.
How should I prepare?
Avoid sun exposure at least two weeks prior to treatment. Clean shave 1 day before the treatment or on the day of the treatment. This is required so that the LASER can penetrate the root of the hair and not target, or singe, any hair on or outside the skin.
Do not bleach, pluck or wax 4 weeks before the treatment, as the root needs to stay intact.
Avoid fake tans 2 weeks prior to treatment. Application of fake tan can result in burns.
Laser Hair Removal is contraindicated in pregnancy
After care
Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen. Any hair growth between sessions should be shaved, not waxed, bleached or threaded so that subsequent treatments can continue to target the hair follicle.
What if I'm having my period?
Unlike getting a bikini wax, you should not cancel your treatment due to your period. It's important to stay consistent with treatments, just wear a tampon.
Additional Services
Shaving of the areas to be treated prior to LASER application is available at an additional small cost.